
4.0 |

41.00 MB

Brand Name : DOCEBO

Developer : Docebo

App Size : 41.00 MB

Version : 5.11.1

Go.Learn is your ultimate learning companion, providing you with the freedom to access educational content whenever and wherever you need it. Whether you're on the go or in the comfort of your home, this app empowers learners like you to dive into courses, learning plans, and shared content with ease. With features designed to enhance your learning journey, Go.Learn ensures that you can track your progress seamlessly, both online and offline.

**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Go.Learn**

1. **What is Go.Learn?**
   - Go.Learn is a mobile learning app designed to empower learners by providing access to educational content anytime, anywhere. Users can view courses, learning plans, shared content, and track their progress both online and offline.

2. **What can I do with Go.Learn?**
   - With Go.Learn, you can:
     - Access learning content, including courses and learning plans.
     - Track your progress in your courses and learning activities.
     - View shared content from others within your organization.
     - Upload your own photos or videos from your mobile device to share with others.
     - Utilize channels to access specific content efficiently.

3. **Is Go.Learn available for offline use?**
   - Yes, Go.Learn allows users to access learning content offline, enabling seamless learning even without an internet connection.

4. **How can I track my progress with Go.Learn?**
   - Go.Learn automatically tracks your progress as you engage with learning content, both online and offline. You can monitor your achievements and stay updated on your educational journey.

5. **Can I share my own learning materials with others using Go.Learn?**
   - Yes, Go.Learn enables users to upload their own photos or videos from their mobile devices and share them with others across their organization, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

6. **What version of Android is required to use Go.Learn?**
   - Go.Learn requires Android version 7.0 and up to function properly on your device.

7. **How can I provide feedback or report issues with Go.Learn?**
   - Users can provide feedback, report issues, or ask questions about Go.Learn by using the in-app feedback feature. Your input helps us improve the application and enhance your learning experience.

8. **Who is the developer of Go.Learn?**
   - Go.Learn is offered by Docebo, a leading provider of learning management system (LMS) solutions.

9. **Where can I find more information about Go.Learn?**
   - For the latest information, updates, and documentation about Go.Learn, please visit http://docs.docebo.com/en/Mobile_app.

10. **Is Go.Learn free to download and use?**
    - Yes, Go.Learn is free to download and use. However, access to certain features or content may be subject to subscription or organizational access permissions.

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