byaj calculator

4.9 |

byaj calculator
by Notty Pareek
8.00 MB

Brand Name : Notty Pareek

App Size : 8.00 MB

Email Id :

Version : 1.0

Introducing our new application designed to simplify interest calculations, forecast interest amounts, and manage your interest ledger. With this application, you can effortlessly calculate simple and compound interest, determine interest rates, and predict future interest amounts. Additionally, you can easily keep track of your interest ledger, also known as an interest book or byaj book.

1. What is the purpose of this application?
This application helps you calculate simple and compound interest, interest rates, and forecast interest amounts. Additionally, it allows you to manage your interest ledger (interest book or byaj book).

2. What interest calculators are available in the application?
There are four calculators provided in the application:

Simple interest calculator
Compound interest calculator
Interest rate calculator
Interest forecast calculator
3. How can I manage my interest ledger using this application?
The application provides features to manage your interest ledger or interest book. You can perform the following actions:

Add customers to whom you have paid or from whom you have taken money.
Add customers from your contacts or create new ones.
Add transactions for the customers.
Edit customer and transaction details.
Delete customers and transactions.
4. What is the Transaction Settle up feature?
The Transaction Settle up feature helps you maintain completed transactions for future reference.

5. Can I view an overview of my ledger?
Yes, the application offers a ledger overview feature where you can see the overall overview of your ledger. You can also view a specific customer's ledger overview.

6. Does the app auto-calculate interest?
Yes, the app automatically calculates the interest amount on a daily basis for the ledger entries you have added.

7. What are the language options available in the application?
The application supports multiple languages.

8. What is the version and release date of the application?

Version: 1.0
Updated on: January 22, 2021
Requires Android: 4.4 and up
9. Can I download the app on any device?
The app is compatible with Android devices running version 4.4 and up. It has been tested and confirmed to work on OPPO RMX1801 and Micromax Unite 2 devices.

10. How does the compatibility for my active devices work?
The compatibility section in the content details shows whether the app works on your devices. It displays devices linked to your Google Account that have been active within the last 30 days.

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